Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall in Austin

After the intense heat of Summer, Fall has really arrived in Austin.  Our mornings are cool, and our afternoons are pleasant.  We can go outside and play and not turn beet red, or need to consume copious amounts of water. And we can finally eat outside again.  We really enjoyed doing this in Utah in the Summer.  So this year it was hard for me not to.  I am learning that my outdoor season is really from October to May.  I can handle that.

Also, I learned a very important lesson.  Do not give your 7 year old the camera and let him take a picture of you while he is sitting and you are standing.  I really don't have this many chins.

Oh, that's better.
And...well, what would a random post be without pictures of me and my girls being super silly?

Oh yes, I can handle this weather for the next 7 months.  Welcome Fall.  I love you.

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