Friday, August 12, 2011

Le Sigh

I have lots of thoughts weighing on my mind.  Thoughts about public breastfeeding and the heat that it takes in the media.  Thoughts about comments (or lack thereof), thoughts about my children and how they will adjust to school life...many heavy, heavy thoughts.

I sat down to write about 1 or all of them, but the words aren't coming out the way I want.  They are not flowing off my fingertips in the fashion I want.

So instead, I will share these pictures of my darlings.  These little people make everything else seem so unimportant and silly.

Who cares if I don't get any comments on a post?  That isn't what is important.  That doesn't declare my worth.  How well I love, care for and raise these little people is what matters.


Jenny P. said...

Kim, your children are beautiful. :) And, my comments have been dismal too. I think people aren't commenting as much in general. The blogging novelty is wearing off, we're doing more and we're doing it faster and we have less time to stop and comment. Not sure what the solution is. What's great about blogging is the interaction and relationship building and when there isn't any of that, I find myself wondering if it's worth it.

Morgan Hagey said...

An excellent reminder. And ditto Jenny. My comments have slowed down this summer. Markedly. :) No worries. You're still awesome.

tawnya said...

Oh, comments. AMEN, sista!

King J's Queen said...

I rarely comment; but I read every post.

Arianne said...

That last photo is just epic. <3

I think the writer's block is sometimes just that - meant to block something on a certain day. The words will come when it's time.


Holly said...

I have the same thoughts too, all the time. Hug them, and have a great weekend....

jefferies said...

YOu get a lot more comments than I do! :-)
Sorry about all the heavy stuff...your kids are awesome though!

Cheri said...

You have your priorities right...your worth is measured by those people you influence the most...your family. Today I am SO grateful for my 5, their chosen companions and my 24 and feel like I am terribly successful. Tomorrow I will be leaving it all behind for 2 years and feel confident they will continue to make me very proud.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I like these photos. Lots of heavy thoughts try to weigh me down this weekend too but deep breaths push them away. (Also, *not* reading comments is helpful sometimes too.) :)
