Wednesday, June 23, 2010

4 years...When Did That Happen??

Missy Mae Mae,

Today you are 4.  In the last 4 years I have had more joy than you will ever know.  Your birth was so amazing and I think of it often.  The power and energy I felt coming from you as you were born and the ease with which you slid into this world were both indicative of your personality.  Of course the fact that I was in labor just to have everything stop and you not to come for another 8 days should have told me something about your personality also!!!  You were a pokey little puppy even then!

You are funny, caring, sensitive, thoughtful, creative, tender, fierce, strong-willed, happy and just my sweet sweet girl.  I love listening to you when you are making up songs or stories, or both.  Your creative mind never ceases to amaze me and I love it.  Your fashion sense can not be beat and I hope you teach your sister all about it!

I am so grateful for you.  You are such a great big sister to Libby.  You are teaching her so much everyday and I love watching the two of you play together.

You are such a great sister to Seth.  He loves you and loves playing with you.  I love watching your relationship grow and develop.

You are my sweet girl and I love you so very much.  Today on your 4th birthday, I want you to know how utterly grateful I am to have had the last 4 years with you and look forward to MANY more.

I love you baby girl.


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