The last few weeks have been full. So full that I haven't had much time to do anything other than what I've been doing. What is it that I've been doing you ask? Well, I'll tell you.
1. We've been at the park. Playing in the sand, on the swings, slides, airplanes and boats (great places for Obi Wan and Ahsoka)
2. We've been outside. I love being outside and when the weather is nice, that is where you'll find me. It's sad for Miss Amelia who is suddenly terrified of bugs. "Mama, are there bugs out here? Will they get me? Are there bugs on the blanket? Are there bugs on the porch? Why are there bugs in the grass? Mama, will the bugs get me on the blanket?" It goes on and on and on.
We have also been gardening and working in our Garden Journals. This is something where we draw what is going on in our garden and we write about those pictures. It is so much fun.
Ah, the lovelies are this is all for now. I have much more to show you, sewing, baking (ok, I don't have pictures of baking...maybe I'll have to bake something just to take a picture of it!), and much much more.
Oh, and thank you all for the emails and notes of encouragement about the sleeplessness at my house. It is still going strong, but I am just taking comfort that they are all still here. Liberty will be 8 months old on Saturday. On the 17th, she will be the same age Emma was. That is always a difficult day for me. So for right now I am just holding my babies closer and being so glad that they are mine and they are here. (even though Amelia is screaming in my ear right now because Seth is teasing her)
Sounds like a good busy. Yay for Spring!!
What a lovely idea to have garden journals. They look like so much fun. Thanks for the inspiration!
ooh, your garden compost is looking good ;) sounds like you are having a lovely spring!
The garden journals are such a great idea! And I can't believe our babies are getting so OLD, so FAST.
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