I really can't think of anything clever for a title. You know those days, when all of your creative energy has been spent somewhere else? That's me, today.
I have so much to tell you, so many fun things we've been doing, but I just don't have the time.
We went to the farm last Friday and had a fantastic time. I have pictures, I will share, I promise. The beauty of the farm, the baby animals and the wonder on my children's faces are just too much not to share.
We had a fabulous Easter, I hope you all did too. The children all got new duds, and looked stunning. Seth got his first little suit and the girls got new dresses.
I started a skirt for myself on Saturday, but with Liberty not napping well (thanks teeth), I only got it cut out. So, I didn't get to wear it on Easter. I finished it this morning. A friend came over and helped me do my first ever zipper and I love it. I went to TJ Maxx and got a great shirt to wear with it and I am just happy as a clam. I still need to hem it, but that can't keep me from showing it to you!
So that's what has been going on in these parts. Sewing, girls with coughs, one getting her first teeth and learning how to crawl, lots of tantrums by a 4 and 2 year old and plenty of laughs, hugs and giggles to make up for anything not so fun.
Ooh la la! What a beautiful skirt! I love it.
SO cute!!!
I LOVE THE SKIRT! It's so cute. What an awesome print!
Love the whole outfit, you look great! Can I commission you to make one for me?
LOVE LOVE LOVE the skirt. If I wore skirts (which I don't and you can't make me! LOL) I would be all over finding out where you got the FAB fabric. You look awesome as well!! (and I miss you terribly btw how are you friend???)
OH! I do wear fabulous shoes though. Where did you get those?!?! LOVE!
ditto Nicole - fabulous skirt fabric, and delicious shoes. *sigh*
Where did you find that fabulous fabric!! It's wonderful ... the shirt, the shoes, you look so dang cute!! Everyone looks darling in their new digs. Wait-to go mama!
That skirt is awesome!
Thanks for all the great comments about my darling skirt and shoes! I got the shoes at Target on clearance (sorry!).
I got the fabric at Joann's last fall. I love it, great huh?
Oh and the pattern is Barcelona Skirt by Amy Butler. Totally fun and easy (except for the zipper...eek!)
Super cute outfit. love the yellow shoes, are they Danskos?
PS: Just realized we're home birthing sisters. Ahhh, now that's sweet! ;)
LOVE that skirt! I want to be that talented. Actually, not going to happen. I want to pay you to be that talented on my behalf.
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