Thursday, November 18, 2010

The More Things Change...

They dance at my feet listening to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Jingle Bells, loving this time of year. 

They watch out the window waiting for snow, waiting for the magic it brings.

They play at my feet with Legos, babies and coloring books, narrating their stories as they go.

They cook in the the kitchen with me.  They have their kitchen, I have mine.

He goes to school in the morning and comes home in the afternoon.  By noon the girls want to know when he is coming home.

She goes to dance and we run errands while she spins, twirls and taps her little heart out.

We go to Church every Sunday, come home have lunch and rest.

We are preparing for so many changes and while we do, it is nice to know some things stay the same and never change.

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