Thursday, February 11, 2010

And then I was 33.

Be sure to go over to my Review Blog to enter to win my 2 awesome giveaways!!!

Nothing big and ceremonious happened.  Libby isn't feeling well, so she nursed most of the night.  Seth came into bed early with me, and then Amelia.  After mentioning to Jeremy last night, that Dwight's breakfast on The Office episode we watched,looked good, he got up early and bought everything to make me a very yummy breakfast.  He rocks. Pancakes (gluten free made from scratch!), Eggs, Sausage links and orange/peach/mango juice -- my favorite breakfast!

Went to Parent Teacher conference for Seth, came home, went back and got the soup cooking, came home again, went back 2 hours later and set up the dinner for the Teachers, came home...

Like I said, nothing big and ceremonious, but a really great day anyway.  Diet Dr. Pepper in hand, Harry Connick Jr. seranading me, a sock that is almost done and a pending date with my Love.

Steak, mashed potatoes, asparagus, and catching up on Lost, Heroes, The Office, 30 Rock, 24, Modern Family...whatever sounds best at the time.

So, while it was nothing super spectacular, it was my day and I got to celebrate it with 4 of my very favorite people.  What more could a girl ask for?

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