My first sling was a Maya Wrap that my sister-in-law gave to me. I have had 2 Maya Wraps and loved them both.
I love my ring slings for the ease of use and functionality they afford. I no longer have my Maya Wraps (I donated them to SlingCycle), but use a sling of my own design, the Prairie Mama Ring Sling. I love it oh so much, see?
I also use my Ergo on a very regular basis. I have had 2 Ergos in the last 6 years and LOVE them. I use this for doing housework, when Libby is tired and won't sleep, when I need to sew or do yard work. It evenly distributes her weight and is oh so comfy.
And, last but not least is my wrap. I bought 6 yards of crinkle cotton from Walmart and use this as a wrap. I really love it and so have all of my kiddos.
I would love to try a Mei Tai and a real live wrap that people sell. I hear they are more comfy than my crinkle cotton one. I don't know though.
So, that is what I use everyday. Ring Sling, Ergo, and Homemade Wrap. Love them, love wearing my baby and love the hands free parenting that it affords!
the more i read the more i wish to get the ergo but its a bit pricy :(
Beautiful stash! I noticed in your birth story that you were wearing a KU tshirt. We live in Lawrence, Ks! Rock Chalk!! Are you in Kansas too?
I bought a mei tai and I do not like it. I think it's my torso length and the way this specific one was made. I don't like where the straps come out of the body. I can make it work for toddlers but don't like it at all for smaller babies. Ring slings kill my shoulders but they are convenient so I do have one. My very favoritest is my wrap. I got one on a trade and she customized it for me and it is my very favorite thing ever. I am really excited to get to use it again!
We love the Kozy and so did our Abe. Great pics! Love them all.
I LOVE my mei tai and still use it with AJ, my 4 year old. I used to make them....I can give you some really easy tips if you'd like!
I also sold wraps for a few years. I love using jersey fabric. Favorite thing ever! Almost makes me want to have another baby!
Beautiful collection! Babywearing looks good on you, you look so natural!
It was sooo nice visiting your blog!
you have a nice stash. i want to try an egro so bad. your ring slings look really nice. i see you have a daughter named do i! she's 3.
I'll have to bring several to BlogHer for people to try out. Since I'm not flying I can pack a bunch- maybe?
That's neat that you make your own carriers! I 'made' my own by buying 7 yards of a stretchy jersey knit fabric & it works like a Moby - I love it! :) Looking forward to using it with Baby #2 in December! :)
Awesome stash!! I have a wrap (the Moby) and I really love it. I would love to try the Ergo though. People say such good things about it. And I am trying to learn the back carry with my wrap and so far I have only had minimal luck. But I hear the Ergo or the becco are great for back carrying.
Love the homemade wrap, so cool!!
I love my Ergo, too! Aren't they the best? Your Maya Wraps are so pretty.
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