Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Z Hotel

Jeremy got home last night around midnight. He has been in Warsaw, Indiana for an interview with Zimmer. So, now we are waiting to hear from Medicine Lodge in Logan, UT and Zimmer in Warsaw. He said the interview went well, really well. They have 4 positions available in the hip team. So, we'll see.
The very interesting part of this is the hotel where he stayed. Zimmer is a pretty big deal in this small town. About 10% of the town works there and they have various buildings scattered throughout town. So, the fact that they have their own hotel isn't too odd. The art work in the hotel...well, that is another story completely.
Now, you all know that Zimmer does implants. They are an orthopaedic company, hips, knees, spine...that's their thing. So, what happens when implants meet leaves? Art in the bathroom. Yes, in the bathroom of Jer's hotel room was a picture of a knee implant among leaves. (I'm still laughing about this one). Oh how I wish he had a camera phone and he could have taken pictures. There was another piece of art involving a hip implant, but I don't remember the details.
This has inspired me. If they can do it, why can't I?? My sister-in-law, Tawnya, has a knee plate that was recently removed (and cleaned) from her leg. I am going to take it and place it in beautiful yarn. Maybe I can get it shown in the hotel even! I am excited about that! ;)

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