Monday, August 3, 2009

BlogHer Recap

I know, I know, it's old news. Blogher, you've possibly read about it on any of 1800 blogs, but here is my take on it :)

1. I met some AMAZING women and had a fabulous time. Seriously. It was great. I was able to meet Kelby Carr, someone I have known since my days on a due date forum when I was pregnant with Emma. Yep, 7 years! It was so fun to meet up with her. I was also able to meet some great ladies that write blogs I love. Oh and the bed at the Seriously, I loved it. I miss it. Almost as much as I miss my dear friends.

2. I learned a lot. Most of it can be summed up by my dear friend Lee over here. I can't stress the water enough though, seriously. I couldn't get plain water anywhere except at Walgreens across the street!

3. One of the things I learned was that just because I like someone's blog doesn't mean I will like that person. There were a few bloggers that I was so excited to meet and when I did, they were just plain rude. Sure, I don't have a big time blog, I am not a blogging rockstar like some of the women out there, but they didn't have to be so rude. And for that reason, I will no longer be frequenting their blogs. I don't care how cool you are, how many readers you have, what a great writer you are...if you are rude to your readers, you will lose them.

4. I didn't get to attend the workshops like I would have liked to. I was being Mama the whole time, and while I wouldn't trade that for anything, it meant that I couldn't sit in a class when my darling girl was trying to crawl all over the place and steal peoples swag.

5. While I didn't get to go to the classes, I am lucky enough to have friends that did and they would tell me all about them. During the classes, I went to the Expo hall, visited with friends, and made new friends. I seriously have at least 200 business cards from different people I met.

6. You may have heard about the fighting over swag. It was unfortunate, but not the main part of the conference. I got some really cool stuff and I left a lot of it there. But that is all it is, stuff.

7. The best part of the conference for me? The people. Hanging out with the girls, having only one child to take care of (man was that EASY!), and meeting some amazing new friends.

Now that I am home, I still feel like I am in a whirlwind and trying to digest everything. There are more conferences coming up and I would love to go to any one of them. If I can get a sponsor I will go to Blogher next year in New York City (I KNOW!!! How cool is that?!?!). If I don't though, then I know it won't be the end of the world, maybe I'll just get with my girls and have a fun girls weekend.


Erin said...

I wish I could have met you! Everyone keeps telling me how sweet you are, and I'm so wishing I could have given you a hug!

*Lissa* said...

I am glad you enjoyed yourself! Sorry to hear about the rude bloggers, but at least you know now and can weed them out of your life! ;o)

Brittany said...

This is the first I've heard about the rude bloggers. That's too bad. At least you know YOU weren't one of them!

Jen said...

That is a darling picture of you and Liberty! You both look fantastic!

Mommy Mo said...

Um, you left one person off your list of AMAZING bloggers that you got to meet : ). You are a true sweetheart and I think we all can learn something from you.

As for rude bloggers, that is just wrong, wrong, wrong.

Rusty said...

Great meeting you at BlogHer! You and Heather were so awesome.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I need a do-over in a big way. It's kinda bumming me out. So thankful for the time we did get together, tho.


Michelle said...

I'm so happy that you were able to go and enjoy yourself, Kim. You totally deserved it, and I hope that you will find some way to be able to go again next year. Oh, and just to reiterate...that picture of you and LIbby is AMAZING. You look absolutely stunning, and the little one has a smile to melt anyones heart!

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

It was so great to meet you and so funny that you live so close!! Your little cutie pie is so sweet and with stood many moms missing their own little ones!

I'll get your blog to a few local ladies here that put blogging events together, and hopefully you can come down for one soon! I'm working on a Make and Takes Craft day in November. Hopefully I'll see you soon.

Amy said...

Sounds like so much fun. I am glad you got the opportunity to go. I would really love to go next year and meet some bloggers like you that I love to read. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Anonymous said...

Oh Kim...that pic of you and your Libby makes me want to jump through the screen and hug you!!! That recap was perfect especially the stuff about the not-cool peeps. Amen to that sister. We are all human souls joined together in this community because we love to write or love to express ourselves or simply love being a community. For the ones who were only thinking about "How can this session/person/swag/conversation increase my traffic/numbers/popularity?" - I say screw 'em. We know the real deal. And I am sooooo thankful I got to meet you 'cause chica? YOU are the real deal.

Until next time....


Heidi Farmer said...

Yes, I have read lots about Blogher, but yours was the BEST! Now I felt like I was there and got the real scoop.

UPrinting said...

That's great you enjoyed BlogHer! I'm sure there are lots of good memories that will be treasured always :) I did read a lot of posts about the fighting over the tons of swag. But mostly, everyone seemed to still manage to have a good time despite little incidents like those. BlogHer New York! That would be a thrill!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Congrats on Winning Mabel's Labels BlogHer 2010 Scholarship contest!

Unknown said...

How exciting is it that you (and I) will be going next year?! I've heard conflicting reports about BlogHer 09, but I think what you focused on is the most important. For me, it's all about the relationships. I can't wait to hang out (although I guess i have to, huh?)

Allie said...

I am so glad I got to meet you, during the keynote while I was crying I could see you nursing and it was just the peaceful moment I needed to see. I hope we can catch up again in 2010!

Linn said...

I'm so glad you got to go and had a great time! You are wonderful Kim. And those kids are growing up way too fast!