Friday, February 13, 2009

Birthday in Review

I did a really great video blog entry today for your viewing pleasure, but since I did it on my camera it sounds like I have a broken tooth when I say my s's.  And, since I don't have a broken tooth, I sounded really silly.  So,  you don't get to see it.  Nope.  Even though I was dancing and singing and carrying on.  Sorry.

However, I will tell you why I was dancing, singing and carrying on.  It is because of YOU.  Yep.   You awesome folks that love me so much and sent me so many fabulous birthday wishes.  I seriously had a great day.

Remember that cake that I was telling you all about?  That chocolate peanut butter cake that was going to be divine?  Well guess what?  It was.  Seriously, the best cake ever.  I stuffed myself ate a piece with our fabulous friends and then another while I watched Simpsons, and was completely satisfied.  That is until I got up this morning and realized that there was still more cake.  I ate the leftover frosting (peanut butter cream cheese. Can you blame me?) throughout the day and tonight ate the rest of the cake.  I am so sick to my stomach right now.  Yeah, I don't recommend being sugar free for 6 weeks and then eating that.  But man alive, it was worth every single bite.  I took 6 pictures of the cake.  Yes, 6.  I am a little excited about it.  Here is the best one.

Yep, it was as good as it looks.  Ok, better.  But enough about the cake that is making me sick.  Let's talk about the day.

My darling made me a delicious green smoothie for breakfast and came home at lunch to make me a HUGE salad.  So nice.

I did have to sweep and mop the floor becuase Amelia peed on it.  See...we're potty training and that equals pee all over my house.  She peed 3 times!  3 times on the FLOOR!  Lucky for me though, she did 2 of them when Jeremy was home and he cleaned it and her up.  Poor guy, one of them was during dinner.

So, thank you SO SO SO much for the great birthday wishes.  Now if I could just get my intestinal system to forgive me, we would all be much happier.

Oh, and if you haven't yet, go on over to Mabel's Labels and vote for me.  Send me to Chicago and I will sing and dance for you! :)


Unknown said...

That cake is making my teeth hurt...but omg it looks delicious.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear that your birthday went well and that the cake was everything you were hoping for.
I'm sad I don't get to see your dancing video. Haha!