Saturday, October 14, 2006

What We Know

We don't know much, but do know that we are not going to Michigan. The interview (if you want to call it that) was such a waste of time. They don't even have a position for Jeremy. There isn't a job opening...why fly him out then??? The company is pretty unorganized. Jer basically sat around for 3 days doing nothing. Then, the guy who flew him out told him that he is too passive. Um, Jeremy isn't in charge of this interview, HE IS! The man didn't even say goodbye to Jer in the airport. They went through security and the guy took off. Whatever.
So, now all of our eggs are in the Biomet basket. He needs to get this job. If he doesn't...we will either be relocating to Omaha (Hotel Shaner) or Olathe (Hotel Borchert).
Ok Lord, what are we supposed to be learning? If you just told us, we'd hurry and learn it and then Jeremy could get a job.

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