Monday, July 7, 2008

What a Weekend!

We had so much fun and are all so tired!! On Thursday night, our town did their big fireworks display. So, we headed up to the stadium at Utah State and found a great spot right outside the stadium, set up our chairs and got ready to watch! The kids had so much fun running around and dancing while we were waiting. When the fireworks finally started (10 pm) S was SO excited and A just clung to me. She warmed up to them after a bit and really enjoyed them.

On Friday morning, we got up around 8:30 (NICE) and went to get some breakfast (muffins and juice!!) and fireworks. We then came home and worked around the house getting ready to go to my brother's house for more fireworks and food. We got down there after some minor car issues (the clutch is going out in the Saturn, so we had to turn around, come back, unpack the Saturn and put everything (including sleeping A) in the Van), and had a blast. My folks were in town, and 2 of my brother's and my sister came over. So, there were lots of kids, lots of food, and lots of fun. Of course, I forgot my camera for all of that, so you'll just have to use your imagination ;)

On Saturday morning, J and I headed to Salt Lake to have an ultrasound of our little Pooh Bear (what the children have named the baby). I wasn't going to have one this time, but there is a new law in Utah stating if you've had a c-section, you must have an u/s to determine if the placenta is on the c-section scar or not. So, I complied. We went to Fetal Fotos, it was cheaper than if we went to the hospital and had insurance "help" us pay for it. The baby is there, is breech (stinker) and the placenta is NOT on my scar! WAHOO!! So, now as long as this babe turns itsself around, we'll be in business for my 3rd homebirth! After the ultrasound, we decided to take advantage of some time without the children and went to lunch. First we had to stop at the Sara Lee Bakery Outlet and get bread. Our favorite bread there is only $1.25/loaf, in the store it's close to $4.00!! We cleaned them out, 16 loaves later, we were on our way to lunch! We went to my favorite restaurant where I proceeded to stuff myself with a tomato, basil and mozzarella sandwich. Man it tasted good!!!

When we were done in Salt Lake, we went back to my brother's house, collected the children, packed the van and went to watch my sister and 3 of her boys in the city's production of "Beauty and The Beast". My 7 year old nephew was Chip and did such a fantastic job! He's such a cutie!!

We then came home, let the kids play some more, bathed them and they crashed. We did too, shortly after.

It was a good weekend. I'm glad that it's over though. Man alive am I pooped! Oh, I got some knitting done in there too! I've started to make this diaper cover for the babe. It's so tiny!! I'll have pictures of it soon. I plan on making some matching socks for him/her and maybe even a hat. we'll see though!!!

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