Thursday, July 31, 2008

32 weeks

I had to edit the title of this post to 32 weeks.  If you've had more than one child, maybe you've had the same problem I do...never knowing how many weeks you really are!  For some odd reason I thought I was 33 weeks last week, but no, I am this week!

I'll have more belly pics soon, and an update on our clan!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

In Desperate Need

of Ice cream.  That would be me.  Please, bear with me, I am trying really hard to win some free ice cream.  You all know I'm pregnant.  You all know I am really pregnant and really hot, and that I REALLY love me some ice cream.  Well, I came across this contest and this website and haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since.  Especially when I saw the Death By Chocolate Frozen Custard.  The baby is doing flips in utero just to know I'm thinking about something called Death by Chocolate!  I think that this has been exacerbated by the fact that it's the end of the month and we have and I REALLY want ice cream.  So, that, my dear friends, is why I deserve to win this ice cream.  I still have 8 weeks left of being pregnant.  This could help a lot and bring a lot of peace, happiness and harmony into my home.

What is THAT?!?!

Is it a woman on a bike, pulling 2 kids in a trailer, with a watermelon in her shirt??  No, it would just be ME, very pregnant, but not willing to give up bike riding.

I love living in a small town.  I love that we can bike virtually anywhere we want to.  I love that my bike is more upright so that I can ride.  I don't love that it is getting harder and harder to go up small hills while riding though.  I think my days are limited...but I am going to do it as long as I can.

I know that bike riding isn't for everyone..but with the cost of gasoline and the economy the way it is, we all need to be finding some way to conserve energy.  So, if you aren't a bike rider, get out your good walking shoes, or take the bus.  Let's give our planet a break and start being a bit smarter about how, when and if we drive.  Come on, if a 32 week pregnant woman can do it, you can too right??

I've Been Tagged! It's the 5!


Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.

The Five

Now, we weren't sure if that meant you should give five answers to each of the five questions, or what. I think that's what I'm going to do, just for thematics.

Ten years ago…

  1. I was 21

  2. I thought I was an Old Maid (haha!)

  3. I was attending Utah State University

  4. I was wishing I was in Kansas

  5. It must not have been a very eventful time in my life, because I really can't remember much about it!

Five things on today’s “to do” list…

1. Play with my kids
2. Sew 4 dresses, 1 sling and 2 pairs of pants
3. Go to the store to get elastic to make aforementioned dresses
4. Try really hard not to buy any chocolate...wait until Friday (oh, I love payday!)
5. Take some more pictures of dresses and get them listed on my Etsy Shop

Five Snacks I enjoy...

  1. chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and chocolate...that's 5 right?

  2. popcorn

  3. ice cream

  4. brownies

  5. junior mints

Five things I would do if I was a millionaire…

First, a question. Are we talking millions or 1 million? The answers would be wildly different for me. I think with a million I'd be much more conservative. But, I'm going for the gold here and assuming we mean millions.

  1. Tithing

  2. Buy each of my siblings their own home, or pay off their mortgages if that is the case.

  3. Finish landscaping our yard and redo the kitchen and, and, and...make this the house that I want it to be so that I don't have to move again!

  4. Start a yarn store (yum!)

  5. Travel, a lot

Five Places You've Lived...

1. Omaha, NE
2. Coffeyville, KS
3. Lawrence, KS
4. Shawnee, KS
5. Logan, UT

I’m tagging...

No one!!!  If you want to do it, awesome! :)  Leave me a comment so I can come check out your 5!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Shop Update!

I've updated my shop with more dresses and slings.  I have more dresses to add, so if you want something and don't see what you want on my shop, let me know!  Go shop and have fun! :)

It's Giveaway Time!!!

I love the Bloggy Giveaways, and it's time again! I am giving away 2 prizes this time!!! Both to ONE lucky winner. The first is a pillowcase dress!! These are perfect for all seasons, in the summer it's a great sundress, in the fall and winter, pair it with some tights and a long sleeve shirt, you just can't go wrong! You tell me what size you need and what colors you like and I'll do the rest! :) Included with the dress will be a Brain Quest. This is something my kids LOVE and I want to share the love with all of you :) do you win? Just comment on my blog :) Tell me what size dress you would want and what age Brain Quest and I will pick a winner at random on Friday, August 1.

Oh, you want pictures? Ok, here are a few pictures of dresses that I have done. If you see one of these that you adore, let me know and I'll see what I can do for you!

Oh, and if you don't win? Well, I will give you free shipping on a dress (or dresses) or a ring sling, from my Etsy Shop! Have fun and enjoy the contest!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's Business Time


Friday, July 18, 2008

Ah the love, can you feel it?

I sure can!!  Thanks for all the belly love my friends!  I love the comments, especially the ones that made me laugh out loud.  Like from my sister-in-law, Karen (who is due end of next week) --

And the other day at McDonalds a rather larger woman just looked me up and down and mouthed “OH MY GOSH”. Are you kidding me?!?! I wanted to mouth the same thing back to her but instead I just smiled. At least I know that in a couple of weeks when I have this kid my largeness will start to diminish - hers, not so much.

And from Steph --

I am 30 weeks along, too, and had a strange man ask me at the movies the other day if I was due “like yesterday?”

Then this one, from my other sister-in-law, Melissa...she's the smart a$$ of the family --

You are so huge!!! Are you having triplets )

I love you all, you make my day so much brighter and the love for my belly and my baby and me...well, it has this pregnant, hormonal Mama almost in tears.  Thanks.

On another fantastic note, my neighbor came over about an hour or so ago and took my kidlets.  She lives across the street and has a 15 month old little girl.  She knew that I was stressed and tired (J has had to work late almost every night this week), and so she just came and took them.  I am in heaven.  Do you hear that?  It's quiet.  Just me and my music.  No kids fighting, no one asking for food, no one asking for anything.  It is SO nice to have a break and recharge my batteries.
I've been doing lots of sewing, but I don't have any pictures to show for it.  Sorry!  I made 2 slings this week and a couple dresses, I'll take pictures and post them on Sunday (see, if I say an actual day, I'll have to do it!).  We have a swimming party for church tonight, it should be fun.  I'll try to remember to take my camera for pictures of that too!!!

Have a fabulous weekend my loves and enjoy the sunshine, where ever you are (even in London Vanessa!).

Sunday, July 13, 2008

30 Weeks

Maybe less, maybe more, but that is an estimate of how much longer this babe is going to cook. I tell you though, it amazes me how people just have no tact when you're pregnant. We would never go up to someone who is big and say, "WOW! You are SO FAT!". However, daily, someone will come up to me and tell me how huge I am and how they can't believe that I am not due until the end of September. Really?? You think I'm big with this baby?!?!

Let's compare, shall we??

30ish weeks pregnant with S

30ish weeks pregnant with A

And, 30ish weeks with baby Pooh Bear (yep, that is what Roo and Piglet have named the babe)

Look at that, I am the same size with each of them! I am NOT huge, I am pregnant people, growing a HUMAN BEING inside of me. Stop telling me how huge I am and realize that I am NOT huge, just pregnant. Next person that tells me I am huge, or asks if I am having twins...I am going to ask them the same. :P

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another Awesome Contest!

Ok all of you cloth diapering Mamas. You MUST check out this one!
Win a Bum Genius 3.0 Starter Kit from Nature's Child - Wholesome Goods for Mothers and Babies

Here is what you'll get - The winner will be announced by email to all entrants on or before August 10, 2008. Winner will receive: 18 bumGenius diapers, a diaper sprayer, a dozen cloth wipes, and bottle of odor remover OR a gift certificate to the Nature's Child of comparable value ($250) that will be honored either online or in our brick & mortar location in Charlottesville, VA.

Again, you have until July 31, so head on over and sign up!
P.S.  Thanks for the heads up about that link Anyles!  I have fixed it, so head on over :)

I love a contest!

Don't you?? I especially love a contest when that contest gives away something I can REALLY use! Win the Essential Babywearing Stash from Along for the Ride (one Beco Butterfly, one Hotsling baby pouch, one BabyHawk Mei Tai, one Zolowear Ring Sling, and one Gypsy Mama Wrap)

Who can't use a babywearing stash?!?! You have until July 31, so head on over and register to win!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

What a Weekend!

We had so much fun and are all so tired!! On Thursday night, our town did their big fireworks display. So, we headed up to the stadium at Utah State and found a great spot right outside the stadium, set up our chairs and got ready to watch! The kids had so much fun running around and dancing while we were waiting. When the fireworks finally started (10 pm) S was SO excited and A just clung to me. She warmed up to them after a bit and really enjoyed them.

On Friday morning, we got up around 8:30 (NICE) and went to get some breakfast (muffins and juice!!) and fireworks. We then came home and worked around the house getting ready to go to my brother's house for more fireworks and food. We got down there after some minor car issues (the clutch is going out in the Saturn, so we had to turn around, come back, unpack the Saturn and put everything (including sleeping A) in the Van), and had a blast. My folks were in town, and 2 of my brother's and my sister came over. So, there were lots of kids, lots of food, and lots of fun. Of course, I forgot my camera for all of that, so you'll just have to use your imagination ;)

On Saturday morning, J and I headed to Salt Lake to have an ultrasound of our little Pooh Bear (what the children have named the baby). I wasn't going to have one this time, but there is a new law in Utah stating if you've had a c-section, you must have an u/s to determine if the placenta is on the c-section scar or not. So, I complied. We went to Fetal Fotos, it was cheaper than if we went to the hospital and had insurance "help" us pay for it. The baby is there, is breech (stinker) and the placenta is NOT on my scar! WAHOO!! So, now as long as this babe turns itsself around, we'll be in business for my 3rd homebirth! After the ultrasound, we decided to take advantage of some time without the children and went to lunch. First we had to stop at the Sara Lee Bakery Outlet and get bread. Our favorite bread there is only $1.25/loaf, in the store it's close to $4.00!! We cleaned them out, 16 loaves later, we were on our way to lunch! We went to my favorite restaurant where I proceeded to stuff myself with a tomato, basil and mozzarella sandwich. Man it tasted good!!!

When we were done in Salt Lake, we went back to my brother's house, collected the children, packed the van and went to watch my sister and 3 of her boys in the city's production of "Beauty and The Beast". My 7 year old nephew was Chip and did such a fantastic job! He's such a cutie!!

We then came home, let the kids play some more, bathed them and they crashed. We did too, shortly after.

It was a good weekend. I'm glad that it's over though. Man alive am I pooped! Oh, I got some knitting done in there too! I've started to make this diaper cover for the babe. It's so tiny!! I'll have pictures of it soon. I plan on making some matching socks for him/her and maybe even a hat. we'll see though!!!

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